Monday, November 17, 2008

dagerous reptiles

Reptiles rock one I like is the king cobra. the king cobra is a snake which is the longest cobra ever another favorite is the crocodile it's probably one of the most dangerous predators.I'm not saying number one but definitely in the top 30. The largest croc is the salt water crocodile it gets to over 10 feet which makes it very deadly. The anaconda another snake is also very dangerous they can become 20 feet long again very dangerous and a cool reptile is the komodo dragon. the komodo is related to the monitor lizard not as big or dangerous the komodo dragon .The komodo dragon has venom that it uses to kill its prey there aren't many komodo dragons left and the ones surviving live on a small island they can get up to 10.3 feet long. A dangerous snake that can spit venom into a persons eyes is the spitting cobras eat small mammals, birds, amphibians, eggs. one of my favorite reptiles are the monitor lizard like I said before the monitor is related to the komodo dragon. The monitor lizard can get up to 10ft in length and the lizard isn't venomous except for the komodo.Some monitor lizards diet is eggs, birds, snakes ,other lizards ,small mammals, fish ,crabs ,and bugs and scorpions.

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